Water remains an underdeveloped topic in Responsible Investing, which is concerning given its fundamental role in biodiversity, economic growth, its close connection to climate change impacts, and the fact that access to clean water is a basic human right. To address this challenge, Deltares, WWF-NL, Achmea IM, NN Group and SCOR are launching their new report with water related recommendations in support of responsible investment called “From global to local: enhancing ESG data on Water”.

This report was produced in the framework of the Top consortium for Knowledge and Innovation (TKI) project BRIDGE. The report seeks to demonstrate the importance of scenario analysis in providing localized and sector specific insights. This is illustrated by assessments of localized water-related risks in the two economic zones of Chennai (India) and Sao Paulo (Brazil). The report aims to provide actionable insights for investors and businesses to enhance their understanding of water-related risks and opportunities, facilitating informed decision-making and development of corporate sustainability strategies.

Presenters: Viviane Malveira Cavalcanti (Deltares), Christine Wortmann (WWF-NL)
Panelists: Frank Wagemans (Achmea IM), Rebecca Dreyfus Craane (NN Group), Yun Wai-Song (SCOR), CERES (tbc), UNEP FI (tbc)
Moderator: Sophie Vermooten (Deltares).

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Zeewering West-Kapelle

Met de DigiShape use case Markermeer-IJmeer willen we door het combineren van data en het gebruiken van innovatieve data science en bewerkingstechnieken een completer beeld krijgen van het doorzicht in het Markermeer en IJmeer.

Marcel Kotte, Rijkswaterstaat

Project Markermeer-IJmeer