On Wednesday, September 20, from 11 a.m. to noon, the DigiShape AI working group is hosting an online technical session on Machine learning in hydraulic engineering: exploring unseen futures. The speaker is Gijs Hendrickx from TU Delft.

Exploring unseen futures

In recent years, coastal management has been facing new challenges: Socio-economic growth and consequent climate change impose new boundary conditions pushing coastal systems towards unseen states. For adaptation and mitigation strategies as well as risk management, the resilience of systems to these projected changes must be tested and quantified using predictive tools, given the scarcity of observations. Process-based models, which limit the number of assumptions, are the preferred tools. However, these models are computationally expensive and therefore unattractive for global sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. Input and model reduction techniques, as well as behavioural empirical models, have been widely used to overcome these computational difficulties.

In this talk, we propose a process-based hybrid workflow – that combines statistical and machine learning with a process-based numerical model – to provide sensitivity analyses on complex systems. After that, we will have an open discussion with each other.

Practical information

  • What: Online technical session
  • When: Wednesday, September 20, from 11 to 12 a.m.
  • Location: Microsoft Teams
  • Register here

snapshotdigishape machine learning 825


Dataopslag en uitwisseling

We werken zoveel mogelijk met open source producten en willen de tool zo goed mogelijk laten aansluiten op het daadwerkelijke gebruik. Daarom organiseren we in elke fase van het project workshops met de DigiShape community om input en feedback te vragen van eindgebruikers en specialisten. Zo krijgen we een compleet beeld van de mogelijke databronnen en kijken we ook samen naar de benodigde functionaliteit en de analysemogelijkheden.

Joost Stenfert, HKV Lijn in Water

Programmalijn Dataopslag en Uitwisseling