Underwatersound congres Brussel aankondiging

On Monday, December 2, our partner Witteveen+Bos, together with an international consortium, is organizing the launch of the European Catalogue of Sound Signatures in Brussels. This event marks an important milestone in a collaborative effort that has been developing over time, including insights gained during the DigiShape Hackathon on May 13, 2024, where experts explored how machine learning and algorithms could be applied to underwater sound data. Insights from the hackathon helped shape the development of this project, which aims to create an open library of underwater sound signatures from shallow seas.

The launch event will showcase the project’s achievements, including demonstrations of how AI algorithms contribute to ship recognition and support effective marine management. Attendees will also learn how the catalogue aligns with EU guidelines, such as the FAIR principles and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with researchers, policymakers, and industry experts in the field of underwater acoustics. Register here

Dataopslag en uitwisseling

We werken zoveel mogelijk met open source producten en willen de tool zo goed mogelijk laten aansluiten op het daadwerkelijke gebruik. Daarom organiseren we in elke fase van het project workshops met de DigiShape community om input en feedback te vragen van eindgebruikers en specialisten. Zo krijgen we een compleet beeld van de mogelijke databronnen en kijken we ook samen naar de benodigde functionaliteit en de analysemogelijkheden.

Joost Stenfert, HKV Lijn in Water

Programmalijn Dataopslag en Uitwisseling