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The Digital Twin North Sea already offers the possibility to interactively design plans, such as offshore wind farms. This workshop looks at how the possibilities can be expanded, with multiple energy generation methods and with conversion to other energy carriers, such as hydrogen. The goal of the session is to come to concrete next steps for the further construction of the Digital Twin North Sea. The participants in this workshop are challenged to think about how they would build this Digital Twin North Sea.


2019 mei 23 hr reservefoto nkwk nieuwsbericht 736x190 acf cropped

“Met de Digitwin Noordzee willen we een state of the art ondersteunende tool voor beleidsmakers, stakeholders, wetenschappers en burgers maken. Het is een digitale replica van de Noordzee, die gebruik maakt van alle kennis die er op dit moment is, maar is ook flexibel en laat de verantwoordelijkheid bij de beleidsmaker en de stakeholders.” 

Joan Staeb, Rijkswaterstaat

Project Digitwin Noordzee