Today we will provide an overview of the current status and potential of this package. We further provide a compact and hands-on training session: How to set up your own simulation?

13:00 – 14:00 Inspiring demos of current projects (20 minutes each) – suitable for a broad audience

  • Fedor Baart: “Demo: DigitalTwin Vaarwegcorridor”, an OpenTNSim application developed by Deltares, Witteveen+Bos and TUDelft, for SmartPort
  • Loes Segers: “Mapping inland shipping emissions on the Rotterdam-Antwerp corridor and assessing emission policies”, an OpenTNSim application for Rijkswaterstaat
  • Thijs Reedijk: “Understanding uncertainties in Offshore Wind Farm development”, an OpenCLSim application for Van Oord

14:00 – 15:30 Hands-on introduction into the basics of OpenCLSim – in-depth work, python experience recommended (aimed at OpenCLSim amateurs and enthousiasts)

  • Mark van Koningsveld: “Background of discrete event simulation for P&W applications”
    • the basics of setting up a SimPy/OpenCLSim simulation (which steps to take, what is the background philosophy of the current setup, etc)
    • hands-on exercises to make your own simulation (experimenting with defining alternative cycles and subcycles, etc.)
  • Mark van Koningsveld, Fedor Baart, Gerben de Boer + all: a discussion on governance issues around the OpenCLSim code
    • what future developments do we like to see, how will we cope with different development tempos, etc

15:30 – 17:00 Bring your own problem – some really in-depth discussions (aimed at TUDelft Ports and Waterways students and ethousiasts). We will be:

  • hosting a work session where people can bring their own problem they are working on
  • there should be many experts available, so this will give you the opportunity to discuss with others on the best way forward.

If you have further suggestions for the programme please let us know. If you know of someone who would also be interested please feel free to forward this announcement (especially the first block can be of interest to a wider audience).

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Binnen DigiShape creëren we massa en versnelling door digitale componenten van allerlei projecten en initiatieven te verbinden, zonder dat deze hun eigenheid en autonomie verliezen. Hiermee ontstaat er een win-win voor iedereen!

Chris Karman, kwartiermaker DigiShape

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